

  • Business Environment Is Increasingly Competitive. Winners Efficiently Implement Correct Strategies And Not Leave Outcomes To Chance
  • Effective Strategy & Implementation Requires Right Decisions Which Are Informed Decisions Backed By Hard Data
  • Best Efforts Fail In The Absence Of Right Tools Which Make Available The Required Information At The Right Time To Take Informed Decisions
  • System Driven SMART Reports, Operational Insights Enable Timely & Informed Decisions
  • Technology Driven Transactional Operations Ensure Accuracy and Availability of Information for Analysis/Decision Support Apart from Simplifying User Inputs
  • Cost Of Tools Required To Deliver Operational Excellence Only A Fraction Of Direct Financial Benefits Derived

Increased Productivy

  • Informed Store Visits
  • Rep handling multiple principles, large #of SKUs
  • Increased Field Visit Effectiveness through HHD guided Call
  • New Product Launches With Presentations / Videos
  • Up to date information related to pricing, schemes & promotions (with store applicability), available inventory etc.
  • Auto suggested order generation based on stock available for running SKUs
  • System Generated Analytics Based on Store Profile & History  Enables Custom Value Propositions for Individual Visits Based on Micro Analysis
  • System Generated Analysis Provided by Tools Enables Improved Direction by Supervisors to Field Staff and Overall Improved Planning & Forecasting
  • Real Time Monitoring of Field Activities on Digital Map

Timely Business Decisions

  • Supervisors / Managers Have Near Real Time Access to drive Key Account Customers, Productivity and thereby improving team performance
  • Dashboards, SMART Reports immediately notify of exceptions/ deviations
  • Human Mind Space not wasted on data consolidation / processing but instead directly working with analyzed information
  • Ability to Visualize & Analyze multi-dimensional dynamic data Provides Managers With Complete Understanding of Ground Situation

Accurate Forecasting

  • Required Inventory Levels More Accurately Determined Leading to Reduction in Stock Investment
  • Product Category, Product ABC Analysis on the Fly
  • Substantially Improved Ability to Do Micro Level Forecasting, Planning & Execution Rather Than ‘One Plan Fits All’
  • Weekly, Monthly Rolling Forecasts Based on Automated Statistical Models and UpdatedBased on Actual Operations
  • Impact of Schemes / Incentives Can Be Accurately Measured and Designed Better
  • Improved Key Account Interaction