
If there is one pivotal people process in an organization, it is the Performance Appraisal. The changing contours of organizational management have ushered in several changes in the purpose and role of the process. From being an annual administrative activity it is an alive, engaged, strategic asset which creates a differentiating element in an organizations’ future.

Astix Performance Appraisal System is a web-based performance management solution, it helps you align your workforce performance with your business goals. Astix PAS enables your organization to enhance employee engagement, increase productivity, streamline appraisal processes, and enhance the effectiveness of managers, increase accountability and leverage performance data to make strategic decisions based on a holistic view of your workforce.


  • Allow goals and objectives to be linked to overall business strategy
  • Effective goal management
  • Sound framework for performance development
  • Identify key job performance dimensions
  • Defined objectives, what needs to be achieved in each Key Result Area.
  • Structured process and reliable measures
  • Performance evaluation
  • Data-driven feedback forms
  • Extensive analytics
  • Talent growth focus
  • Monitoring performance
  • Configure Appraisal cycle
  • Initiate Appraisal
  • Review Appraisals
  • Appraisal Reports:

Employees Benefits

  • Helps you think about what results you really want. You're forced to be accountable, to "put a stake in the ground"
  • Ensuring that the employees understand the importance of their contributions to the organizational goals and objectives.
  • If feedback is delivered properly and a genuine opportunity for improvement is given, the self-confidence of the employee can raise
  • The job is defined more clearly and expectations are clear, providing the required direction and aligning with the strategic goals of the company
  • Performance is seen as an ongoing process, rather than a one-time, shapshot event.
  • Helps ensure equitable treatment of employees because appraisals are based on results.
  • Optimizes operations in the organization because goals and results are more closely aligned.
  • Cultivates a change in perspective from activities to results.
  • Development opportunities

Company Benefits

  • Increased team and individual productivity/performance
  • Improved business profits
  • Aligns organizational activities and processes to the goals of the organization
  • Enhanced quality of work life
  • Produces meaningful measurements
  • The strategy and company goals are better communicated, understood, and accepted Efforts are aligned in the direction of the achievement of the strategic goals.
  • The content of the appraisals will help do the manpower planning and adapt the training plan to the needs expressed to perform well in the job.