
Over the last 2 decades progressive organizations have very altered realities for their learning and development mandates. They are also more distributed geographically, with diverse learner groups and needs. The acutely competitive environment calls for the highest degree of skill and competency readiness with agility, at affordable costs. inject the edge for an informed, primed and competitive workforce.

E-learning provides that continuous learning environment to create the strategic edge for all progressive companies, institutions and governments for informed and effective ecosystem

Astix e-learning is a unique skilfulness platform which increases the ease, access and scalability of organization wide initiatives. It attends to your developmental, employee engagement and collaborative learning programs. Furthermore employees can access online training modules on any PDA device in line with the principals of anywhere, anytime learning at their own pace. With our highly customizable reporting systems, individual learners can track plan and track their personalized learning plans while the employers can follow individualor group progress and internalization success.


  • Online (eLearning) course launching and tracking.
  • eLearning development
  • Communication and collaboration
  • Assessment and testing
  • Reporting
  • PDA learning
  • Certification management
  • Content management
  • Customizable Functionality
  • Multimedia environment


  • Reduce training costs
  • Rapid deployment of content
  • Improve employee productivity and quality of work
  • Offers employees the opportunity to access information when they need it most
  • Learning is self-paced and gives a chance to speed up or slow down as necessary
  • Learning is self-directed, allowing to choose content and tools appropriate to their differing interests, needs, and skill levels
  • Eliminates the need for on-site instructors
  • Enhance employee brand awareness
  • Support your most important asset—your employees
  • Analytics and reporting: Make sense of data using our analytics and reporting tools. Create reports and charts of interesting data such as assignment grades, lesson progress, proficiency coverage, missing work, course status, completion status and resource usage.
  • Multimedia: Upload and display video, audio, PDF, office documents