
Continuous learning is delivered widely and variously. The true measure of all learning initiatives is its successful retention and application, by the learners. The more critical the skill to a business process or role - the greater the need for highly applicable retention.

To test the success of a learning initiative for critical skills and competencies, there is growing movement to have intensive assessments being conducted by observers and experts where data can be collated, analyzed and appropriate improvements initiated.

The assets of any organization are its employees. The employee of an organization should be highly productive and should contribute to achieve growth prospects for the organisation. Assessments are a vital part of determining employee success. They are used to determine the knowledge /skills gained by an employee to determine if and what improvements need to be made.

The Astix Self-assessment online tool is the process used to measure certain aspects of information for a defined purpose where the assessment is delivered. It help in evaluating employee knowledge and would also help in understanding where the employee needs to improve


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